In 1991 Kamen embarks on perhaps his first mature series, ‘Caged Waits’ (1991-93), which remain some of the most important works in his oeuvre. The ‘Caged Waits’ works, large abstract works based loosely on the format of the human skull and spine, are painted solely using sky blue, cream, black, coffee and graphite.
This work is a beautiful example of a work on paper from this series, with energetic and vigorous black acrylic lines giving the form of the spine, and heavily worked paper with a coffee wash and a graphite grid behind. The series title seems to suggest that the body, here represented in the form of a spine, is a vessel, a cage of sorts; but which also gives the possibility of transcending.
Works from this series can be found in the personal collections of many cultural figures of our time, including Helmut Lang, Jean Paul Gaultier, Jean Baptiste Mondino and Azzedine Allaia among others.